Check Your Attitude Book


Check Your Attitude Book "We choose our joys and sorrows long before they happen."

- Khalil Gibran

What does Attitude have to do with it?


Intentionally create the spirit
that galvanizes your team
to consistently produce extraordinary results
& love of their work




AWARENESS - Increase awareness of what you are experiencing in the moment and how that is related to your attitude. Gain awareness of the 4 types of personal triggers that send you into a negative state of mind. Understand the negative attitudes, what drives them, and what keeps them in place. Separate “what actually happened” from the negative meaning that you have associated with it and how you can transform that into a positive association that leads to problem solving.

ATTITUDE – Create having a choice to replace knee-jerk non-productive reactions. Recognize and map your individual attitude patterns. Identify what situations and/or people trigger you into negativity. Recognize that you can choose a different attitude and response. Recognize the attitude patterns of others and neutralize any negative impact they may have on you. Learn tools to change personal non-productive triggers and attitudes into positive ones.

ACTION – Change negative communications into constructive ones. Generate productive behaviors and impact that are in alignment with positive intention. Coach yourself and others to move from “red” to “green.” Learn skills and tools to sustain the useful responses in tough situations. Acquire skills on how to coach others from a negative non-productive state to a productive state. Create positive mindsets that will "go viral" in your company

The Check Your Attitude table provides a clear map of the most common attitudes that operate at work. It is organized like a periodic table so that you can quickly identify “red” Negative Intention attitudes and replace them with “green” Leadership Positive ones. These engaging experiential keynotes and workshops walk people through how to use the chart and apply it in their everyday lives at work and home. Leaders, their teams and organizations walk away with an increased self-awareness, enhanced emotional intelligence and ability to transform negative experiences into positive ones.

Human nature predisposes people to fall prey to a Victim set of attitudes at work. Negative attitudes, like viruses, are contagious and often sweep through an organization like a tsunami that erodes trust and morale.
Whether positive or negative, your attitude permeates the way you think, the tone of your voice, what words you choose, and your body language. Like your shadow, your attitude is speaking volumes before you utter a word and you are often unaware of its impact. People take their cues of how to feel and react to daily events from each other and especially their leaders.

Creating a culture at work where positive intention prevails takes awareness, intention and skills. It takes work to create and sustain a positive work environment where people can move out of Victim thinking and create a positive set of attitudes to be the foundation of how we think and act. Leaders and their organizations need to clearly identify the specific negative attitudes that are at play and employ tools to reset and transform the Victim attitudes to positive and productive ones.